Compare and Contrast: Tony Lobay
Like Doc Ock's robot tentacles in Spiderman 2, Ash's bad hand in Evil Dead 2:Dead By Dawn, and the Devil himself in The Exorcist, Tony's Lemmy seems to have taken over not just his face, but his whole personality! Jesus Xavier McDaniel! Is that even the same person?? It's really early in the contest, so I'm a little worried. What could we possibly see next?!
I've already called security and put them on stand-by.
Like Doc Ock's robot tentacles in Spiderman 2, Ash's bad hand in Evil Dead 2:Dead By Dawn, and the Devil himself in The Exorcist, Tony's Lemmy seems to have taken over not just his face, but his whole personality! Jesus Xavier McDaniel! Is that even the same person?? It's really early in the contest, so I'm a little worried. What could we possibly see next?!
I've already called security and put them on stand-by.
Main Entry: dop·pel·gäng·er
Variant(s): or dop·pel·gang·er /'dä-p&l-"ga[ng]-&r, -"ge[ng]-, "dä-p&l-'/
Function: noun
Etymology: German Doppelgänger, from doppel- double + -gänger goer
1 : a ghostly counterpart of a living person
2 a : DOUBLE 2a b : ALTER EGO b c : a person who has the same name as another
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