Let the voting commence!
First thing we're voting for is the winner of each category. Each voter gets one vote per category for a total of eight (8) votes per person in the first round. You don't have to vote for every category. We understand that it might be too tough to pick just one Lemmy.
What are the voting criteria, you may ask? Well, here are some guidelines, tips, and whatnots to help you get started.
Voting Guidelines:
1a. Vote early. It's a sprint, not a marathon.
1b. Take your time in contemplation. What's your hurry?
2a. Go with the sympathy vote. Mantasticness is about heart. If you feel it's more Mantastic to sport a chump beard than a full one, then vote for the underdog. Bravery is good.
2b. Screw that pathetic crap! Is it really Mantastic to vote with your pity gland? Vote for the thickest, bushiest beard in the bunch. Volume rules! A coward dies a thousand deaths, but a Mantastic beard will deflect bullets!
3a. Match the David. Michelangelo went to all that trouble. Vote for the beard that looks most like the ideal.
3b. Cast your ballot for individual interpretation. Just because some punk PhotoShopped some beard onto an old statue doesn't mean he knows diddly about beards. Vote for the contestant with the most style, or the one who photographs the best, or is the most ridiculous.
4. Every vote counts. Vote for your best friend, even if he can only grow 3 hairs on his face. Nepotism is fun!
5. Ignore these guidelines. One man's trash is another man's neckbeard.