
Your Mantastic 2006 Champion!

Congratulations to Michael Clemens, aka The Clemmy.

Michael's prizes included:
$65 in Chicken Fees
The Fantastic Mantastic 2006 Mirror
One (1) 3-lb. Hickory Farms Beef Stick
One (1) original Starship Troopers T-shirt
Arnocorp's latest CD entitled The Greatest Band Of All Time
and one late donation, The Blue Box Gift Set from The Art of Shaving

A prize package fit for the Mantastic King!

Runners-up: Chuck Duke & Chris Morley (tie)

The Internet's All Brokey!

The pipe was jammed and stuff just wasn't getting through this morning, but we're up to speed now. Rest assured, during the downtime we weren't sitting around on our hands. No! Tallying votes, adding yet another prize to the winner's package, and generally getting excited about the big announcement today at 4:30. Who is the champion? Who will be the new king? Who will be most Mantastic of all?!?

Get out your good luck stuff and perhaps take a sedative. It's....it's too much, really.