
Is Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce, Mantastic?

That's for you to decide for yourselves.

Prize Donation!


An anonymous prize donor has generously offered two (2) tickets to the critically acclaimed motion picture Brokeback Mountain, starring those twin hunks Jake Gyllenhall and Heath Ledger! No! I'm not kidding in the least!

Good luck!

Styles Chosen!

What follows is the result of our first Monday check-in, which coincided with the Mantastic 2006 Opening Ceremonies, where styles were selected by and for the contestants. Each Monday from here on out, a fresh photo will be taken so we can chart the progress of the contestants. Think of these first photos as the blank slate. All the faces were clean shaven (even the ones that didn't seem to be - we checked; everyone was smooth) and the sideburn lengths were approved.

Without further ado (about nothing), I give you, the Mantastic 2006 Rogue's Gallery! (Listed with the name of the style they will be growing.)

David Gibson: The Lemmy

Joel Friesch: The Neanderthal

Dan Riha: Handlebars

Committee Member, aka Rally Chimp

Stacz Sadowski: The Amish

Ken Voss: Handlebars

Lee Hahn: Amish Goatee

Michael Clemens: The Lemmy

FYI: He's already dubbed his beard, "The Clemmy."

Chris Morley: Handlebars

Kirk Larkins: The Amish

David Schnee: Muttonchops

Tom Gilchrist: Handlebars

Will Elder-Groebe: The Amish

David Link: The Lemmy

Committee Member, aka Mantasm

Matthew Tomlinson: The Neckbeard

Jance Rubinchik: Handlebars

Robert Dorris: Muttonchops

Jonny Tal, Jonny Tal: The Amish

Mark Tamny: Handlebars

Anthony Lobay: The Lemmy

Don Howe: Amish Goatee

Clear Menser: The Selleck

Neal Hoover: The Selleck

Adam Gerardin: The Neckbeard

Davy Wentworth: The Neanderthal

Committee Member, aka Mr. Hirsute

Nate Reid: Muttonchops

Garth Parr: The Selleck

Devin Breese: The Selleck

Blaise Panfalone: Amish Goatee

Brian Smith: The Selleck

Jess Vickery: Muttonchops

Jonathan Knight: The Neanderthal

James Brown: Handlebars

Daniel Bryant: The Neckbeard

Kane Brassington: The Amish

Opening Ceremonies

Well, the Mantastic 2006 Opening Ceremonies went far better than anyone could have hoped. We had full attendance and plenty of vocal support and enthusiasm. Bravo, people. Bravo.

I'm in the process of manipulating the head shots, but I'll have them posted along with some more pertinent rules later in the day.

For now, I'll just say this:

Good Fricking Luck!

Last Night....

...I dreamt of Mantastic. In my dream, I pulled The Neanderthal. We'll see if that was wishful thinking or if I'm dangerously psychic.

See you at 12:30 for the Great Mantastic 2006 Style Picking Opening Ceremonies.

Late Entry!

Jonny Tal, Jonny Tal! Winner of the most recent Foosball, Air Hockey and Pong tournaments, Jonny is going for the Grand Slam.

I say, "not with that baby face," but stranger things have happened.